What are the body fluid cultures?

The body fluid cultures are microbiological tests performed on the various fluids of the human body.

They include a wide range of diagnostic tests that lead to the detection, isolation, and identification of pathogenic microorganisms.

Cultures can be done for the following biological fluids:

  • Fluids of closed cavities, such as synovial fluid.
  • Fluids of closed cavities or organs that communicate with the environment, such as sputum and semen.
  • Secretions or swabs of open cavities, such as oral fluids, nasal fluids, vaginal fluids, urethral fluids, excrement, and urine.

What do body fluid cultures detect?

The body fluid cultures detect pathogenic microorganisms (common germs and fungi), which grow in aerobic, anaerobic, and CO2 conditions.

Specialized cultures can detect bacteria, such as mycoplasma, ureaplasma, campylobacter, or Yersinia enterocolitica.

What is the procedure of a body fluid culture?

Depending on the examination, the sample remains for a specific time in conditions that are considered optimal for the growth of microorganisms.

If the culture is positive and pathogenic microorganisms are detected, then an antibiogram is performed.

An antibiogram is an overall profile of antimicrobial susceptibility testing results of a specific microorganism to various antimicrobial drugs.

Cultures of biological fluids at PLUS microbiology laboratory

PLUS diagnostic center performs daily cultures of biological fluids and parasite tests.

Using state-of-the-art analyzers and modern diagnostic methods, we undertake the conduction of the following diagnostic tests:

  • vaginal and cervical fluid cultures
  • cultures of nasal, pharyngeal, bronchial, or oral secretions
  • urine and stool tests
  • sperm analysis
  • prostatic and urethral fluid analyses

An experienced Medical Biopathologist checks the results, which are then delivered to the patient in a short time, depending on the examination.

1ος αναλυτής?

Roche Cobas Urine 6500

State-of-the-art analyzer for quick and accurate results in urinalysis.

2ος αναλυτής;

Memmert Incubator IN30

Incubator with natural air circulation for stable performance and reliability.

Εξειδικευμένο Προσωπικό

Specialized Staff

Well-trained staff in the analysis and proper management of biological samples.

Εσωτερικός έλεγχος

Internal Control

Adherence to all prescribed procedures and protocols for valid results.

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